03/15/2025 / By S.D. Wells
The natural health advocacy world and truth media followers around the globe cannot believe their eyes, as the FDA has just made the explosive admission that the mRNA clot shots are indeed spiked with contaminants that have triggered the global surge in cancers. One hard look (clinical study) at Pfizer’s Covid stabs and the FDA had to admit to the world that they contain dangerous levels of excess DNA contamination, and that these fragments are driving cancer cases through the roof. It’s called Turbo Cancer and people are experiencing stage 4 and stage 5 cancer out of the blue, shortly after they receive the deadly mRNA Pfizer China Flu jab.
How many mass media outlets will publish this medical shocker? Natural health advocates warned about this long before the clot shots were even released under the Emergency Use Authorization act. They are experiments carried out on humans without any proof of safety or efficacy, not to mention long-term safety trials, as they were rushed through the process. From lab to turbo cancer.
Tests conducted at the FDA’s own White Oak Campus in Maryland found SHOCKING LEVELS of DNA contamination in the Covid clot shots. Surprise, surprise! The residual DNA levels greatly exceeded regulatory safety limits by up to 470 times. Let’s hear that again. The contamination of residual DNA fragments greatly exceeded regulatory safety limits by up to 470 times. Let that sink in for a minute.
Did Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci know this long ago? Of course they did. The Turbo Cancer jabs were always the main part of the PLANDEMIC experiment to rid the earth of a few billion people, just like Gates said at his TED talk years ago. It was never about preventing the contraction or spread of Covid, because Covid was no more deadly than the seasonal flu. They used propaganda that it was much worse to sell everyone on getting the Turbo Cancer injections. Get it?
Now the FDA is no longer run by psychopaths, like it was under the O’Biden Regime. The findings of this PEER-REVIEWED study were published in the Journal of High School Science, for any naysayers out there. Sure, this isn’t NIH or BMJ, but the mass media surely does NOT want the masses knowing about this, or they’ll all freak out and burn Fauci at the stake like a scarecrow.
The FDA researchers employed two primary analytical methods, both of which confirmed the presence of DNA contamination up to 470 times higher than permissible thresholds.
In case you want more proof, these findings align with earlier reports from independent laboratories in the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, and France.
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big government, Big Pharma, biological weapon, chemical violence, dirty vaccines, FDA, health science, mRNA, pharmaceutical fraud, research, spike protein, turbo cancer, vaccine damage, vaccine injury, vaccine wars, vaccines
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