05/30/2021 / By Mike Adams
From Mike Adams, the editor of Natural News:
We believe in the principles of human rights and freedom of choice when it comes to any medical intervention, regardless of their risks or benefits. This means we believe every human being has the right to independently decide whether they wish to consent to a vaccine intervention, even if those vaccines are “experimental” in nature and may pose the risk of serious harm, injury or death.
Because we believe in health freedom, we must respect the freedoms of others who choose medical interventions that we know to be dangerous. However, we may do our best to inform them of the risks that doctors, science journals and the media aren’t sharing with the public.
Acceptable methods of working to save someone from vaccine injury include sharing knowledge and information such as:
… and so on. Despite all the censorship of “vaccine hesitancy” information by Facebook, YouTube, Google and Twitter, there still are many credible information resources where individuals who want to learn more about vaccines can find out about their ingredients, underlying technology (mRNA, for example), risks of side effects and blood clotting potential, among other things.
Despite the large-scale pro-vaccine propaganda that’s funded by the CDC’s $1 billion propaganda budget (passed as part of the recent covid stimulus bill), websites like Children’s Health Defense, Life Site News, Green Med Info and many other sites — including this one — offer fact-based knowledge that can help people learn simple facts about covid-19 vaccines they may take into account when making their own decisions regarding medical interventions.
Because we respect freedom of choice, we believe it is not acceptable to engage in coercive activities in order to interfere with other people’s medical choices, even if we are aware that their choices may be harmful or injurious to themselves and those around them. Specifically:
Acceptable approaches to countering vaccine violence must be rooted in peace, due process and human rights:
The reason this approach is so important is because society as a whole must reject vaccine violence, not just a few individuals. Once this current batch of covid vaccines results in millions of deaths in the United States, it will become obvious that society must move against the vaccine cartels to protect innocent lives. That time has not yet arrived, but it will. Sadly, many of the very people who are going to be killed by these vaccines will never have a chance to speak out, since they will be dead. But survivors will sound the alarm.
Until that day comes, protect yourself and your loved ones from vaccine violence. Work to educate any who will listen. Adhere to the rule of law and respect due process. Do NOT take vigilante actions against vaccine proponents. Instead, record their actions and crimes for future legal action against them once law enforcement and the courts are ready to pursue criminal cases against those who carried out vaccine violence against innocent victims. It is perfectly acceptable to keep records of present-day events and to turn those records over to law enforcement when the political will to prosecute vaccine violence eventually surfaces. That day may be less than a year away…
As you ponder all this, remember that the US government has not yet taken this kinetic. They’re aren’t yet arresting people at gunpoint and forcing them to take vaccines against their will, in other words.
Understand that the kinetic coercion phase is coming, but for now the government is using incentives (lottery tickets, free donuts, etc.) and punishments (no right to travel, no right to enter a church, etc.) to try to non-violently coerce as many people as possible into accepting vaccine injections.
This phase will likely continue for another 2-3 months months, after which the government will then begin to ramp into coerced compliance with door-to-door “gunpoint medicine” demands that people get vaccinated or face criminal penalties (such as fines or jail time).
Once the government moves into this phase, they can no longer pretend to be the “good guys.” At that point, they are overtly following in the footsteps of totalitarian regimes engaged in crimes against humanity, and the vaccine drive begins to resemble a concentration camp mass arrest affair. Should the government shift into this phase, they expect heightened levels of resistance.
For this reason, as I have been told, the Biden regime is working with the vaccine deep state to stage a large-scale false flag event that can be blamed on anti-vaxxers and gun owners. They plan to shoot up some venue related to health care and blame it on anti-vaxxers while calling for immediate, nationwide gun confiscation.
Once the guns are confiscated — if that can even be pulled off — then the government will proceed with the kinetic phase without much resistance, since they will be armed and you won’t.
All Natural News readers should fully expect to witness the deep state pulling off a large-scale false flag event followed by demands for nationwide firearms confiscation. That will be followed by nationwide vaccine compliance via kinetic action on the part of the government.
If all goes according to the plans of the globalists, vaccines, economic collapse, regional warfare, engineered famine and the government’s war on America’s citizens can reduce the population of the United States by about 230 million between now and the end of 2025. We aren’t sure how many tens of millions of deaths are likely attributable to vaccines vs. starvation vs. widespread disease, etc. But the global plan is to reduce the U.S. population to under 100 million people, and we know that covid vaccines and additional bioweapons are key components of their nefarious depopulation plan.
We also know the vaccine deep state will release additional pathogens as required, likely including a new weaponized strain of Ebola. We also know that the NIH funded SARS-CoV-2 “gain-0f-function” research specifically to target human ACE2 receptor cells that exist in the respiratory tract, reproductive organs and other organs.
Finally, we know that the spike protein used in the vaccines is itself a biological weapon that even the Salk Institute confirms causes vascular disease. This is the particle that’s causing blood clots which lead to heart attacks, strokes and pulmonary embolism deaths. The spike protein is the weapon, and it’s intentionally formulated into the vaccines. (Or in the case of mRNA vaccines, your body’s cells are hijacked to generate spike protein bioweapons and release them into your own blood.)
The truth about all this cannot be covered up for long. The coming wave of vaccine deaths will be irrefutable and horrifying. The vaccine industry knows this and they are trying to kill the vast majority of Americans before people realize they’re being culled. After all, the vaccine industry knows that dead people don’t protest, and dead people don’t file lawsuits. So the more quickly they can kill the largest number of people, the less backlash they will face when all this comes out.
Once the US government moves this into a kinetic compliance phase, the federal government will literally be at war with the American people, and all hell will break loose across the country on multiple fronts. So we will address that situation when and if it happens.
An upcoming podcast will delve into the full details of the five stages of vaccine coercion in America. (We are currently in stage 3.) Stage 5 is all-out government biological and kinetic warfare on the American people. If stage 5 is invoked, there will be no mistaking it because men with guns will show up at your door and demand you consent to being vaccinated at gunpoint.
Until that day comes, however, the vaccine death merchants are going to pretend to be the “good guys,” and the brainwashed American masses — who don’t know much at all about the real purpose behind these vaccines — remain convinced that vaccines equal freedom.
Soon, they will come to realize that covid vaccines equal death, but until that day comes, there’s not much the rest of us can do to stop them beyond trying to inform them. Sadly, we are all going to lose loved ones when the covid vaccine death wave is unleashed. Myself included, as I have relatives who have also taken the vaccine and may be gone in the next 1-3 years.
Save yourself, and save as many as you can through education, information and evidence. The truth will be readily apparent soon, and the vaccine industry has already set things in motion that will destroy the credibility of the entire industry for generations to come. Sadly, millions will die before the rest of society wakes up to the truth about vaccines and depopulation.
Stay safe and abide by the law. Respect due process. Warn others but do not threaten them. The truth will be revealed soon.
– Mike Adams, editor, NaturalNews.com
Tagged Under: due process, education, medical ethics, truth, Vaccine deaths, vaccine hesitancy, Vaccine injuries, vaccine wars, vaccines
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