05/14/2020 / By S.D. Wells
Did you know viruses can infect each other? Yes, that’s because they’re parasites. In fact, the largest known virus, named Sputnik, has been discovered by French researchers to have the ability to infect a different virus. Viruses can also make clones of themselves by pirating another organism’s DNA. That means viruses can clone themselves while taking over another virus (or bacteria), proving they’re alive, despite what mainstream science has been claiming for decades.
This flies in the face of the old adage “the science is settled,” proving this kind of virus is a living organism. So then what about the ever-morphing COVID-19? Let’s have a much, much closer look, like microscopically close.
Certain viruses can stitch their own genes into cells they’ve invaded and infected. It’s true. This can happen in humans too, so don’t jump to dismiss this science by claiming it’s only happening in laboratories. This can happen with many different kinds of viruses too, including herpes, mono, HIV and Ebola. What’s in your genomes?
Modern viruses, like novel coronavirus, are a patchwork of different sources, proving they originated in a lab, not out there in Mother Nature. This gives way to predicting that the psychotic billionaire “philanthropist” Bill Gates could be financially backing research that sets up vaccinated sheeple (brainwashed, starving and terrified people) for a new infection.
Yes, the new vaccine could be just like the flu shot, where you’re actually MORE susceptible to getting infected with a new, modified, or warped version of that with which you were injected. Then you’ll be tracked, captured by a CDC swat team, and quarantined for the rest of your extremely shortened life (or you’ll just die of the new virus).
Bill Gates most likely has the insidious vaccine industry building an infectious organism that seeks out whatever mutated virus is embedded in the COVID-19 vaccine. When did Ebola, HIV, Measles and Coronavirus develop the ability to infect the human species? We may not ever know when they originated, but we do know that they didn’t start infecting humans until recent history, as in the last century.
Yet, even as Polio was almost eradicated by developments in plumbing and the advancement of good hygiene, the CDC hoodwinked nearly every American into believing that the polio vaccine actually worked, even though the polio vaccine was a complete failure and a hoax. That’s why there will be no clinical trials for safety, efficacy or even cross-infection when the COVID-19 vaccine comes out, because it’s not intended to prevent anything. The intent is just the opposite – setting up as many Americans as possible for a future and deadly viral infection.
Will you welcome this evil Trojan horse into your temple (your body)? Will you surrender all of your human rights to be less afraid of something, only to find out later you are actually being infected with the real virus, and not just the fear of it?
The globalists and desperate Dems want the lockdown to continue until everyone is force vaccinated with COVID-21, assuring that the 2020 presidential election becomes a mail-in catastrophe that’s fixed for a communist takeover. Keep storing organic food and keep your guns and ammo in a safe place. The next not-so-civil war is coming, and there’s an army of parasites trying to invade your soul. Just say no to vaccines and continued lockdowns.
Realize that the longer you live on lockdown, the WEAKER your immune system gets, by not being exposed to the germs your body builds antibodies against. Get it?
Tune your internet dial to Vaccines.news for updates on how vaccines, like the flu shot, set you up to contract the influenza virus the following year. It’s a sick joke and your death is the punchline if you don’t stay informed. You probably didn’t know that the elderly of Italy were given a new strain of the flu shot containing 4 different viruses, one of which was H1N1, so it made their body MORE susceptible to coronavirus (causing a cytokine storm).
Now watch this as Scientist Judy Mikovits, PhD totally exposes Anthony “Fraud” Fauci and the vaccine corruption plan:
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Tagged Under: corona vaccine, covid vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, fake vaccines, infections, outbreak, pandemic, vaccine fraud, vaccine lies, vaccine wars, vaccines, vaccines infect, virus vaccine
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